From Dreams to Reality: Tabby’s Journey to Sustainable Success at Goodluck Homestead

Meet Tabby Robertshaw, a snake-catching, mom of two who can wield a butcher’s knife and rock a dress all at the same time. Tabby is the co-owner of Goodluck Homestead in Stanford, and together with her partner in life and business, Alex, they have transformed a dream into a flourishing reality, blending sustainable farming with hospitality in the picturesque Stanford Valley. We recently held an Enneagram workshop at Goodluck Homestead, and to say it was magical was an understatement!

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Karin Wellman
Empowering Women Through Self-Discovery: A Journey with Penny Ndlela

At Back To You, we are a proud female-owned and operated business, championing the ethos of women supporting women, standing firmly with female entrepreneurs like ourselves. For many women, entrepreneurship is not just a career path but a journey of empowerment and self-discovery. It's about breaking barriers, challenging norms, and carving out spaces where their voices are heard and their visions realized.

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Karin Wellman
How to navigate ‘stuckness’ with the Enneagram

When our Enneagram numbers hit a roadblock, it's essential to understand how to navigate through the stuckness and foster growth. Stuckness, and its sneaky sidekick stress, can be particularly perilous when looking at the Enneagram types, as it can reinforce limiting beliefs and patterns, hindering personal and professional development.

When we remain entrenched in our stress responses, we risk becoming stagnant, disconnected from our true selves, and unable to navigate life's challenges effectively.

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Karin Wellman
Recognising And Dealing with Burnout

As we find ourselves looking toward the 2nd quarter of the year, the early signs of burnout may already be starting to show, and as burnout initially takes root as stress, by losing our ability to manage stress and by not knowing when to seek help—or both—we put our health, personal relationships, and professional success at risk.

As a business coach, I am acutely aware of the toll that work, personal commitments, and societal expectations can take on professionals at all levels. Burnout remains a significant obstacle, yet with mindful attention and proactive strategies, we can foster a workplace that prioritizes well-being and fosters sustainability.

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Karin Wellman
Empowering School Leavers: Using the Enneagram to Navigate Career Choices

Choosing the right course of study and career path is a significant milestone for school leavers. It's a decision that often leaves individuals pondering their passions, strengths, and purpose, and can often leave our bright and enthusiastic young adults feeling lost and desperate, and in need of some guidance.

Fortunately, there's a powerful tool that can provide valuable insights into this process: the Enneagram. In this article, we will explore how the Enneagram can be applied to help school leavers make informed choices about their academic and professional journeys, aligning them with their personalities, values, and aspirations.

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Karin Wellman
Unlocking Mental Wellness with the Enneagram

Mental health is a cornerstone of our overall well-being, and it deserves our attention, understanding, and compassion. It's about recognising that our minds, like our bodies, need care and support. With mental well-being being so multi-faceted, the Enneagram offers a unique lens through which we can navigate it, and has the potential to be a game-changer in our mental health journey.

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Karin Wellman