Executive Team Breakaway

January 2023

“I want to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU!! You fixed our team and empowered us to ensure we can give confidence to the rest of the company. You came in at the perfect time post our perfect storm. You gave us the inspiration and direction that we all needed and most importantly the understanding of ourselves and our team. What you do is MAGICAL!! I look forward to continuing on this learning journey with you and our team.”


Executive: People and Culture

August 2022

“I was introduced to Karin Wellman in 2017 as part of the Jaguar Land Rover SA Leadership Development programme. Karin and I commenced our coaching relationship in November 2017 and it continues today 4.5 years and 3 executive roles later. Karin fulfils the role of both life and business coach and in our time together has helped me successfully navigate personal and health traumas.

In the business arena she guided me and ensured I made the transition from a subject matter expert as a new Director within the Jaguar Land Rover leadership team to a strategic influencer who ensured HR had a seat at the table and whose opinion and advice was requested by the rest of the executive team.

The past 4 years have been invaluable to me. I believe the coaching has allowed me to be far more self-aware, gain insight into my triggers, and develop the ability to self-manage to avoid crisis situations. I am a better, happier and more content individual. In business it has allowed me to transition into leadership roles within a larger, more complex corporate environment.”

Managing Director

August 2022

“I have been undergoing Executive Coaching with Karin Wellman of Caleo, since April 2020. These sessions have proved invaluable over the last two years, having aided me in solving a number of professional and people development challenges that I have faced since starting my new roles as Managing Director of two different teams. 

I believe that I have grown in leaps and bounds through Karin’s guidance and have managed to solve a number of challenges using the tools acquired during our sessions. 

I would highly recommend Caleo and Karin Wellman to anyone seeking Executive and Professional performance coaching.”

Global Customer Services Lead

May 2022

“Business or any form of coaching is an intensely personal journey. What has made my journey with Karin so extraordinary to date, is that the purpose of the business coaching journey was clearly defined from the start. Karin’s philosophy of focusing on the “whole person” coaching rather than just on business coaching, ensured and facilitated growth both on the business and personal front.”

Customer Service Director


“Karin, you have such unique insight and as a coach have pushed me to do more, be more and dream more. Your impact not only on my career but my life has been (and continues to be) profound and will be with me for the rest of my days!”




“Karin was recommended to me by a peer working for a multinational, who had put her whole sales teams through the Enneagram as a management tool. 

My eldest daughter is bright (got 8 distinctions in matric), and had been through a battery of aptitude assessments, the outcome of which was that she could study medicine, law, engineering, or pretty much anything she wanted to. This didn’t help to narrow her choices. Karin’s interpretation of her Enneagram was exceptionally insightful. She strongly suggested based on her strengths and her overall personality that we look into Engineering. My daughter is now 3rd year Chemical Engineering and while she is finding it intellectually challenging, it is absolutely the right fit for her. 

My younger daughter has very different interests and again Karin was able to accurately assess not only her aptitudes but her whole personality. Karin engaged well with my daughter and pinpointed several characteristics of a job that would be important for her and suggested several variances of careers that would play to her strengths and achieve outcomes that were important to her. After job shadowing, my daughter has decided to do Industrial Psychology next year.

I’d like to emphasise that the Enneagram as a tool is great, but it is also vital that an experienced, insightful, and qualified person interprets it for you. The feedback you get from Karin is incomparable to the ‘free online versions’. I highly recommend both the Enneagram as a tool and Karin’s interpretation of the results.”